Aspect fire solutions are specialists in the supply, installation and maintenance of Inertsafe300 fire suppression systems.
Inert fire suppression systems, are generally based upon argon, nitrogen & CO2 Mixes” they have chemical designations IG541 & IG55. There are many differing brand names, Inergen, Argonite & Argogen to name a few. Our Company product is INERTSAFE300
INERTSAFE300 is a fast clean extinguishing agent. It uses naturally occurring gases, Argon, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide. (chemical compound designation IG541) It is approved for use in normally occupied areas and perfectly safe for human exposure at the system design concentrations.
It is stored at 300 BAR pressure as a gas in standard size cylinders. The INERTSAFE300 is discharged through a piping network into the protected area.
How INERTSAFE300 Works
INERTSAFE300 extinguishes a fire by reducing the oxygen content of an enclosure from approximately 21% found in ambient air to below 15% at which most combustible materials will not burn. Simultaneously the carbon dioxide in INERTSAFE300 assists the human body in the uptake of oxygen, protecting anyone who may be still within the enclosure at the time of INERTSAFE300 discharge.
INERTSAFE300 is odourless, colourless and leaves no depos-its or decomposition products. It is non- conductive and non – corrosive. The density of INERTSAFE300 is also similar to that of normal air which gives good retention qualities. This means that the room does not need to be sealed as tightly in order to achieve required gas retention levels.
INERTSAFE300 can be utilised to protect multiple areas in a building from a central cylinder bank. This is achieved using pneumatic directional valves, to divert the correct quantity of gas to the area where the activation has occurred, thereby reducing cost and the number of cylinders required.

Service and Maintenance
In order to optimise the performance of any fire suppression system service and maintenance in accordance with the relevant standards is essential. We are able to offer a full 24/7 maintenance and call out facility. In addition we offer in house room integrity testing of protected enclosures.
Refilling & 10 Year Testing
Should your system discharge or be due 10 year mandatory testing. We can carry this out for you, with a “Service Exchange” cylinder service. Your system can be up and running again with minimum downtime. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
INERTSAFE300 Features
- Truly environmentally friendly fire suppression agent
- No ozone depleting potential
- No global warming potential
- Safe for use in occupied areas
- Suitable for critical risk areas
- Approved for use on class A&B fires
- Proven on tens of thousands of installations worldwide
INERTSAFE300 Applications
- Computer suites and data centres
- Gas turbine enclosures
- Telecomms enclosures
- Power generation
- Museum and archives